Back Shoulder Aches Pains do not disappear on their own. Massage therapy may help you if you suffer with aches and pains particularly in the lower back. It may also help to deal with stress, tension or anxiety from everyday life. All these can affect the health of your body and mental attitude.
As a clinical massage therapist I use massage therapy to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues to ease your aches and pains. This may potentially improve your overall health, emotions and feelings of relaxation.
I will talk through your problems and together we will agree on a plan. This may be based on an individual therapy or be a mixture of some or all of them. These plans are unique to you, individually designed through discussion together to make sure that you get the very best out of the sessions.
I believe that by relaxing the body and mind connection this enhances your own happiness and well-being.
Back and Shoulder Pain Therapy in Horsham, Midhurst and Brighton for help to ease your aches and pains.