Massage Therapies


Massage Therapies have been used for healing purposes throughout different parts of the world to relieve muscle tension and stiffness.  The benefit of massaging and relaxing the muscles may reduce stress.  This helps your body and mind to return to a more balanced state.

There are different massage techniques and some of these will be individually tailored to suit your personal requirements.

Please click on the headings to the left to view different massage therapies.

In addition to these, the following massage therapies and advice is also offered:

Postural Assessment

Poor posture over time can lead to problems with bodily functions and internal organs.  The brief assessment will enable the therapist to assess your posture.  This may reveal any stiffness or tight muscles and any other alignment and movement issues.  It may then be clear about which soft tissues need to be treated.

Muscular Pain Appraisal

An appraisal of your muscular discomfort will be discussed with you so that it is clear as to how the therapy can be applied to you.  This will be in conjunction with any Postural Assessment at the beginning of your session.

Sports Aches and Muscular Stiffness

Therapeutic sports massage is a type of massage technique that focuses on treating the soft tissue aches, injuries and pains.  These are generally associated with recreational activities.  Massage can relieve symptoms of muscle stiffness, improve relaxation and help to improve the circulation of the blood and oxygen within the body.

If you are suffering with minor aches and muscular stiffness, therapeutic massage can get you back to your activity sooner than if left untreated.

Indian Head Massage

This is a massage therapy that works specifically on the area of the head, scalp, neck and extending to the shoulders and upper back.  It is based on the traditional form of head massage practiced in India for over a thousand years.  It is suitable for most people and can be performed with or without the use of oil.

Exercise Advice

After certain therapy sessions and depending on the level of your muscle imbalances, you will be shown specific exercise and stretching techniques.  These will help ease your aches and pains before your next visit.  For health reasons you will be advised if these are suitable for you and if they need to be repeated several times.